I have 2 reports, the sub report and the main report, but when I give a preview I can only see the main one, how do I display the sub report too?
I'm using JasperSoft Studio.
I have a report that is populated by a list and by parameters, but I encountered a problem and I got help here in the forum, the person who helped me said that the best way to solve this problem would be to create a SubReport.
The problem is this, I want to leave my report as follows:
My Beneficiary Name repeats itself, and shows the other procedure, not everything is all together in one place.
I'm trying to put a SubReport with the Beneficiary Name and Identifier in a Group Header, and the procedures (Realization Date, Service Description, Tab Tab ..) within the Detail. I think that this would work, but I'm not able to call SubReport in my report.