I have the following situation:
1. I have an xhtml with <p:tabView>
with id="tab";
2. In this tabView I have 3 tabs and each one with its forms and <p:messages>
with their respective id;
What is the problem? In tab 1 I have the main record, in the others are children of this record and I need to display only when a code is generated. So far so good, I have an attribute in the Boolean bean that checks if the ID is different from "0" and in the tabs I'm using the "renderer" attribute.
When I enter the record in the main tab and the ID is generated, I update the tabView (id = tab) and in the return of the method I inform the user that the record was saved.
The problem!
When I update the tab so that the tabs are displayed, the <p:messages>
of each is also updated with the main tab message.
How do I clean a component through the id through the Bean?
All help is welcome!
Bean Fragment
// define mensagem de sucesso
messages.info("Atividade salva com sucesso!");
// atualiza componentes na view
Fragments of xhtml
<p:tab title="Envolvidos" id="aba-envolvidos" rendered="#{cadastroAtividadeBean.abaEnvolvidos}" disabled="#{!cadastroAtividadeBean.abasAtivas}">
<h:form id="frmEnvolvidos" >
<p:messages id="msg-envolvidos" />
<p:toolbar id="toolbar-principal">
<f:facet name="left">
<p:commandLink value="Cancelar" title="Cancelar"
styleClass="btn btn-dark"