Error creating a method in a WFA application in inheritance and polymorphism


I created a WFA project that will serve as the basis for the rest, as follows:

  • I created a FormBase that has public control variables such as the operator name, date and time of access to the systems;

  • I created a FormBasePrincipal, which instantiates FormBase, putting this in a menu, status bar, toolbar;

  • I created a FormBaseConsult, which instantiates FormBase, in this I placed a toolbar, a DataGridView, instantiated a DAL class that I created to connect to the database (postgres, at first). >

    So far everything works fine.

    My difficulty is in the FormBaseConsult class that I have a method to get the SQL string as follows:

        public virtual string getSCriptConsulta()
            sScriprtSQL = "";
            return sScriprtSQL;

    In the FormState class, which instance FormBaseConsult has a class that defines SQL:

        public override string getSCriptConsulta() 
            return "select ufcodigo as codigo, " +
                   "       ufsigla as uf, " +
                   "       ufnome as estado " +
                   "from cadastros.tbestados " +
                   "order by ufnome ";

    It's working fine, bringing the list of states, but I want to change some properties of the columns, for this I created a class as follows:

    namespace wfaPraticandoHeranca
        class EntidadeGridColumns
            private string sFieldName = null;
            private string sHeaderText = null;
            private int iMinimumWidth = 0;
            private string sToolTipText = null;
            private int iWidth = 0;
            private bool bFroze = false;
            public string FieldName
                get { return sFieldName; }
                set { sFieldName = value; }
            public string HeaderText
                get { return sHeaderText; }
                set { sHeaderText = value; }
            public int MinimumWidth
                get { return iMinimumWidth; }
                set { iMinimumWidth = value; }
            public string ToolTipText
                get { return sToolTipText; }
                set { sToolTipText = value; }
            public int Width
                get { return iWidth; }
                set { iWidth = value; }
            public bool Frozen
                get { return bFroze; }
                set { bFroze = value; }

    In FormBaseConsult I created a class as follows:

        public virtual EntidadeGridColumns getGridColumnsProperties()
            EntidadeGridColumns colProperties = new EntidadeGridColumns[0];
            return colProperties;

    This class is reporting the error (with getGridColumnsProperties() underlined in blue):


    Error 3 Inconsistent accessibility: return type   'wfaPraticandoHeranca.EntidadeGridColumns' is less accessible than   method   'wfaPraticandoHeranca.frmModeloConsultas.getGridColumnsProperties ()'

    In FormConState I overwritten the class:

        public override EntidadeGridColumns setColumnsProperties()
            EntidadeGridColumns colProperties = new EntidadeGridColumns[3];
            colProperties[0] = new EntidadeGridColumns();
            colProperties[0].FieldName = "codigo";
            colProperties[0].HeaderText = "Código";
            colProperties[0].MinimumWidth = 75;
            colProperties[0].Width = 75;
            colProperties[0].ToolTipText = "Código do cadastro do Estado...";
            colProperties[0].Frozen = true;
            colProperties[1] = new EntidadeGridColumns();
            colProperties[1].FieldName = "sigla";
            colProperties[1].HeaderText = "Sigla";
            colProperties[1].MinimumWidth = 60;
            colProperties[1].Width = 60;
            colProperties[1].ToolTipText = "UF do Estado...";
            colProperties[1].Frozen = false;
            colProperties[2] = new EntidadeGridColumns();
            colProperties[2].FieldName = "estado";
            colProperties[2].HeaderText = "Estado";
            colProperties[2].MinimumWidth = 250;
            colProperties[2].Width = 25;
            colProperties[2].ToolTipText = "Nme do Estado...";
            colProperties[2].Frozen = false;
            return colProperties;

    This class is reporting the error (with "getGridColumnsProperties ()" underlined in blue):


    Error 2 Inconsistent accessibility: return type   'wfaPraticandoHeranca.EntidadeGridColumns' is less accessible than   method 'wfaPraticandoHeranca.frmConstant.setColumnsProperties ()'

    Finally, these are the mistakes I'm having, if you can help me I'll be grateful, as I have no idea how to solve this!

    In my view, the EntidadeGridColumns class can not be used as a method return and I do not know how to do it in C #.

    Note:   - Another error that is happening, since these are the error 2 and 3, the design of FormConState does not open more reporting the error:

    > Connection string argument missing! Parameter name: Host
    Mas executando tudo funciona devidamente; já excluí as pastas BIN e OBJ mas não deu certo. Já verifiquei no "Npgsql" este parâmetro "Host" e não encontre nada, apenas "Server".

    Forgive me, I do not know how to set the Title for this situation.

  • asked by anonymous 04.08.2015 / 21:00

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