Auto reconnect reusing an async socket connection


How do I have my socket reconnect by itself when the connection is lost? Preferably reusing the same connection.

asked by anonymous 14.12.2015 / 01:59

1 answer


Keep the code that creates the connection within an infinite while(true){ Código aqui } loop as soon as you detect that the socket has dropped, enter a continue statement causing the code to return to the beginning of the loop, restarting the connection. When you actually want to stop and close the connection, enter a break statement to exit the loop and arrive at the <

Since you did not enter the code you are using, I'll give you a fictitious example below:

public void InfiniteSocket(String host, Int32 port) {
    var ipe = new IPEndPoint(host, port);
    var soc = new Socket(ipe.AddressFamily, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
    while(true) {
        try {
            if(!soc.Connected) //se não conectar, tenta novamente
        catch(Exception e) {
            //Algo deu errado com o endereço/porta
            break; //aborta o loop
        //Boolean ConversaComSocket(Socket socket)
        //A função ConversaComSocket retorna true caso tudo tenha ocorrido bem (pode encerrar o socket) ou false caso tenha detectado que a conexão caiu!
        var podeFinalizar = ConversaComSocket(soc);
            continue; //volta ao inicio do loop e reabre conexão
        break; //sai do loop
10.01.2017 / 06:46