Galera blz?
I'm here programming for Windows Form with C # when I run into a "DisconnectedContext" error.
Well let me explain how my program works, I have several forms in a project, where I have to make the transition between these forms, for example one form is the Login form and the other is a "Lesson plan" for example .
In the transition from the "Login" form to the "Lesson Plan" Form in the "Lesson Plan" builder I get this exception.
Basically the statement is as follows, when I click the login button the system authenticates the teacher, right after everything happens (authenticated teacher), I pass an instruction where I instantiate a thread and pass a method on it, close the Form "Login" for the opening of the other form "Class Plan".
privatevoidBtn_Entrar_Click(objectsender,EventArgse){stringlogin=txbLogin.Text;stringsenha=txbSenha.Text;if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(login)||string.IsNullOrEmpty(senha)){MessageBox.Show("Não pode haver campo(s) vazio(s)");
if (login.Contains("'"))
MessageBox.Show("Não é permitido usar caracteres no login");
if (senha.Contains("'"))
MessageBox.Show("Não é permitido usar caracteres ' na senha");
professor = new Professor();
if ((professor.Codigo = professor.autenticarProfessor(login, senha)) != null)
professor.bindProfessor(login, professor);
this.Close(); //Fecho esta tela
this.Dispose(); //Dispose nela
th = new Thread(abrirTela_Plano_Aula); //Abro uma nova linha de
else {
MessageBox.Show("Dados incorretos");
2 - Method that opens the other form
private void abrirTela_Plano_Aula()
Application.Run(new Plano_Aula(professor)); //Aqui chamo a nova tela
3 - Classroom Builder Here I make checks if the teacher has a photo if it does not, I go to the bank and look for a photo for teachers without a photo
public Plano_Aula(Professor professor)
this.professor = professor;
//Foto professor logado
imgProfessor.ImageLocation = professor.FotoProfessor;
imgProfessor.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(professor.FotoProfessor))
if (professor.Sexo == "M")
professor.FotoProfessor = new ConfigurarImagemSistema().getImg("fotoAlunoDesconhecido", "M", "chamada");
imgProfessor.ImageLocation = professor.FotoProfessor;
else if (professor.Sexo == "F")
professor.FotoProfessor = new ConfigurarImagemSistema().getImg("fotoAlunaDesconhecido", "F", "chamada");
imgProfessor.ImageLocation = professor.FotoProfessor;