I intend to make an application with Pyqt5 to issue notifications based on an API that I have. The user, of course, in a first access would have to use the login and password, to access the application. I would like to keep this user authenticated after this "first-time" access, so he does not need to enter the password every time he opens the application.
The problem is that the last time I had the idea of doing so, I was in doubt about how I should store the user's credentials. As I have no experience with desktop applications, I have no idea how to proceed.
In browsers, you usually use cookies to gain information about a session.
But what about desktop applications?
Would it be correct to store the user's password in a file, for example, to retrieve it? For example, if my API does not have a token, how would I ever send those credentials to this API, without the user having to intervene with each request?
Is there any specific technique in Desktop applications to keep data from a session (even if the application is closed and then opened), just as browsers can do with cookies?
In the specific case of Pyqt (or QT), is there any solution for this type of storage?