Google CAPTCHA in Java


I'm having trouble deploying Google's CAPTCHA.

On the form page I've added the script and the div of the captcha:

<script src=''></script>

<form action='../envio_formularios/sendEmail_faca_proposta.jsp' >
<input name='Nome_0' id='nome_0' type='text'>
<input name='Email_1' id='email_1' type='text'>
<div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="coloquei minha key aqui"></div>
<input type="submit"> 

So long so good ....

Problem is in sendEmail , how do I validate the key that was returned by the script?

Then I saw that I had this code in PHP:

 $secretKey = "Put your secret key here";
    $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
    $responseKeys = json_decode($response,true);
    if(intval($responseKeys["success"]) !== 1) {
      echo '<h2>You are spammer ! Get the @$%K out</h2>';
    } else {
      echo '<h2>Thanks for posting comment.</h2>';

How could I convert this request to JSP?

asked by anonymous 18.02.2016 / 19:16

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