Upload image on server does not work


When I upload locally using WAMP64, everything happens normally. However, when I upload from the site, which is on the production server, the following error message is displayed.


NoWritableException in Image.php line 143:


Can not write image data to path (/home/premiumcarstudio/laravel/public/1481746280.jpeg)





asked by anonymous 14.12.2016 / 21:17

1 answer


In Laravel 5.3 , the recommended standard is to save to the storage / app folder, which already has permission to write. Usually I use:

$request->nome_do_campo_do_arquivo->storeAs('pasta_de_destino', 'nome_do_arquivo.ext')

This creates the destination folder (if it does not exist) and gives the file a new name.

If you are using previous versions, try giving write permission to the public / folder. I hope I have helped.

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15.12.2016 / 13:50