Attachmate's WaitHostQuiet Method - Extra! with python


I'm using Python to automate Attachmate - EXTRA !, just as many do with VBA.

I'm using the package pywin32 found here .

I'm following the% method documentation found here / a>.

The problem occurs when I try to set a WaitHostQuiet to the SettleTime method, as below:

import win32com.client

system = win32com.client.Dispatch('EXTRA.System')
session = system.ActiveSession
screen = session.Screen
settletime = 1000    

if screen.WaitHostQuiet(settletime): # o erro acontece nessa linha

The error text follows:


Traceback (most recent call last):


File "", line 1, in       screen.WaitHostQuiet (settletime)


File   "C: \ Users \ xxx \ AppData \ Local \ Continuum \ Anaconda3 \ lib \ site-packages \ win32com \ client \"   line 197, in call       return self._get_good_object_ (self. oleobj .Invoke (* allArgs), self. olerepr .defaultDispatchName, None)      

com_error: (-2147352562, 'Invalid parameter number.', None, None)

However, if I do not set a WaitHostQuiet(SettleTime) , it works:

if screen.WaitHostQuiet(): # assim funciona

I need to set SettleTime because the default value of 5 seconds is very time consuming for my application and I want to use a smaller value.

When I write the code in VBA everything works:

Sub Teste()
    Dim system As Object, session As Object, screen As Object, settletime As Integer

    Set system = CreateObject("EXTRA.System")
    Set session = system.ActiveSession
    Set screen = session.screen
    settletime = 1000

    screen.SendKeys ("<Enter>")

    If screen.WaitHostQuiet(settletime) Then
        Debug.Print ("Yes")
    End If
End Sub

Does anyone know what might be causing the error?

asked by anonymous 21.12.2016 / 14:40

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