Determine neighborhood from Latitude and Longitude


I'm using Google Maps API V3 more specifically angular-google-maps . I need to display the user's exact point at the time he opens the map and also display all the people who may be in that neighborhood (whether or not there at the time). The problem is how to define the neighborhood that user is only with latitude and longitude and from that moment list the people who may be in the neighborhood? Well, markers can bring n + 1 nearby brands, sometimes it does not have a neighborhood like:

  • "Third Avenue, 6 - Brasilia, DF, Brazil"
  • "Brasilia - DF, Brazil"
  • "Distrito Federal, Brazil"

I thought about searching for the zip code, but the "postal_code" is not constant either, sometimes it returns other not. Reading in Stackoverflow in EN was said to need the name of the street, but here in Brasilia even with the street the CEP is not returned.

It is not possible to force CEP return and thus define the neighborhood.

I thought of some API that delimits the neighborhoods and when Lat / Long is inside the perimeter it would be able to return the neighborhood / cep.

Finally, I did not find any solution or path that I can follow.

asked by anonymous 21.03.2017 / 01:46

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