What are checked exception?


While following a discussion of programming languages, I saw people discussing about Checked Excpetion each with their arguments for or against.

They said that language such implements and language such does not implement. My question is what are these Checked Exception ? Are they special exceptions to some specific language?

asked by anonymous 22.06.2017 / 19:26

1 answer


Checked exceptions are exceptions that are identified by the language and can be handled, in turn they are the opposite of Unchecked exceptions , but what are Checked? These are exceptions that are handled with a simple try catch . A wrong input , for example, that can be easily solved. Since an Unchecked exception would be a Runtime as a NullPointerException, where you can not handle the problem, just inform the user that it has occurred and to remedy the problem the only solution is to reopen the software or portion of the code accessed. Many practitioners do not use this good exception handling practice, but it is a useful tool when well used.

Some languages make use of Checked exceptions: Java, .NET Package (C ++, C # ....)


22.06.2017 / 19:38