Good afternoon, I have an ASP.NET application in WebForms (still) working normally, the client asked to include the date in the route of a new page, I created the route like this:
"~/Revendas.aspx", false,null,
new RouteValueDictionary { {"data", @"\d{2}/\d{2}/\d{4}"},{ "idnome", "[a-z0-9 -]*" } });´´´´
In Page_load .cs I retrieve the URL like this:
var rt = RouteData.Route as Route;
if (rt != null && rt.Url == "Revendas/{data}/{idnome}")
The call to the route:
<a href='<%#: GetRouteUrl("RevendaMapRoute", new { data = Item.DATA, idnome = Item.NOME_REVENDA_ROUTE}) %>'><%#: Item.NOME_REVENDA %></a>´´
When I click on the link the return is 404 non existent page ... I believe that the normal '/' bar on the date is not identifying the route correctly, as as I said without the date on the route it works normally. Thanks for any help.