How to use junit to test jax rs on wildfly


I created the following test to validate the register but instead of returning 201 with the created resource is generating this generic error. My DAO is working alone in a normal way (I created a list address using it) Would you have any clue what it could be?

public void testAdicionaEspecie() {

    Especie especie = new Especie();
    especie.setDescricao("Especie Test");
    Entity<Especie> entity = Entity.entity(especie, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON);
    Response response = targetVetweb.path("prontuario/especies")
    String locNovaEspecie = response.getHeaderString("Location");
    assertTrue(response.getStatus() == 201);

@Consumes(value = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)
public Response postEspecie(Especie especie) {
    return Response.created(URI.create(uriResource.toString() + "/especies/" + especie.getEspecieId())).build();
public void add(Especie especie) {

I'm using WildFly 10. I discovered in debugging that it is failing with TransactionRequiredException in the test classes. I inserted the datasource into the WildFly configuration and my ORM configuration file contains:


In other words, I imagine I'm using jta to manage transactions, how do I make junit recognize this configuration and test my registration? I have already tried using the Transactional annotation in the test but without success

asked by anonymous 11.06.2018 / 19:10

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