(Java) Reading the Serial Port with the Jssc library


I have a java app that le in the serial port with 7 data from a rotation sensor coming from the arduino, via jssc. The code works, but the data is not formatted. I read 4 by 4 bytes, but sometimes it comes with numbers like 0080, 8000, etc. I need to leave the output formatted, how can I do this? Follow the code.

package tanio;

import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;

import javax.swing.SwingWorker;

import jssc.SerialPort;
import jssc.SerialPortException;
import jssc.SerialPortList;

public class obterrpm extends SwingWorker{

        protected Object doInBackground() throws Exception {

              String[] portNames = SerialPortList.getPortNames();
                for (String portName : portNames) {
                 //   System.out.println(portName);
                    SerialPort serialPort = new SerialPort("COM7");

            try {
                serialPort.setParams(9600, 8, 1, 0);
                //System.out.println("successfully writen to port: " + serialPort.writeBytes(new byte[]{0x04}));
                byte[] buffer = serialPort.readBytes(4);//Read 10 bytes from serial port

              String convertido = new String(buffer);


               // Runnable enviarResposta2 = new SocketRespostaRPM(convertido);
                //  new Thread(enviarResposta2).start();

                //System.out.println("Port closed: " + serialPort.closePort());
            } catch (SerialPortException ex) {

            return null;

asked by anonymous 27.10.2017 / 17:43

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