Option in Vue Select


I'm trying to implement the vue-select . It is as follows, I want to add two LABELS to display in the select, only one of the labels is in an object within the options.

Below is the code for v-select .

<v-select :options="nomes" label="strnome" label="has_cliente.strcliente"  v-model="selected">
     <template slot="option" slot-scope="option">
          <span :class="option.icon"></span>
                @{{ option.strnome }} - <b>@{{option.has_cliente}}</b>

Here is JSON

        "idnomes": 107, 
        "strnome": "3123123", 
        "idcliente": 32, 
        "bolativo": 1, 
         "has_cliente": { 
              "idcliente": 32, 
              "strcliente": "asdasdas" 

Doubt is like displaying the strcliente in the option.

asked by anonymous 09.03.2018 / 17:00

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