I was trying to do a "design" with ascii in cmd but this character set exits: "Ôëí", I know it's because of the delimitation of the characters that cmd can display and etc., but can you help me?
I was trying to do a "design" with ascii in cmd but this character set exits: "Ôëí", I know it's because of the delimitation of the characters that cmd can display and etc., but can you help me?
I did not find a way to display the congruent character, which econtrei is a very close alternative, and it only works in Windows 10.
Basically it's the sign of = underline
@echo off && setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion & color 0a
for /f %%a in ('forfiles /p "%~dp0." /m "%~nx0" /c "cmd /c echo 0x1B"') do set "Esc=%%a"
echo/ && echo/ Como mostrar sinal de congruente ( %Esc%[4m=%Esc%[0m ) no cmd?
echo/ 1- Soh funciona no windows 10^^!!
echo/ 2- Eh um sinal de igual sublinhado
echo/ 3- Foi o mais proximo que econtrei^^!!