Value vue-the-mask conditional formatting


I'm trying to put a mask on - vue-the-mask

    :mask="['###:##', '#.###:##']" 

But, you're only getting the second mask if I put ###.###.###-## , ##.###.###/####-## it works

jsFiddle: link

asked by anonymous 27.06.2018 / 16:15

1 answer


This happens because you have two masks acting on the same segment, which would be 5-digit, ie in the first mask you have the mask acting on the 5 character by applying ### - ## and at the same time you have the other mask acting by applying #. ### - #

It may seem confusing but this component acts on the control characters in this case 2 two acting on the 5 character.

02.08.2018 / 21:52