I am putting together a report, and there is the option to query by date range. When I query with the interval of 30 or 60 days, I get the data, where I cluster and return.
However, when you increase the query time, the same method returns the error of: 500 (Internal Server Error) . Searching, I noticed that in some cases the entity framework terminates the query because of time out or the amount of data to process.
public IQueryable ObterNotaSimplificada(DateTime compInicial, DateTime compFinal,
PorteContribuinte? codigoPorte, string query, int? itemServico, bool? simplesNacional)
var res = this.Servicos
.Include(x => x.Prestador)
.Where(a => (a.Competencia >= compInicial && a.Competencia <= compFinal) &&
(codigoPorte == null || a.Prestador.Porte.Value == codigoPorte) &&
(simplesNacional == null || a.Prestador.IsSimplesNacional == simplesNacional) &&
(itemServico == null || a.ItemListaServico.Id == itemServico) &&
((query == null || a.Prestador.RazaoSocial.Contains(query))
|| (a.Prestador.CpfCnpj.Contains(query))))
.Where(a => a.DataCancelamento == null)
.GroupBy(a => a.Prestador.CpfCnpj)
.Select(g => new
CNPJ = g.Select(x => x.Prestador.CpfCnpj),
Competencia = g.Select(x => x.Competencia),
RazaoSocial = g.Select(x => x.Prestador.RazaoSocial),
SimplesNacional = g.Select(x => x.Prestador.IsSimplesNacional),
Porte = g.Select(x => x.Prestador.Porte),
DescricaoPorte = g.Select(x => x.Prestador.Porte.ToString()),
QtdNotasEmitidas = g.Count(),
BaseDeCalculo = g.Select(x => x.BaseCalculo),
ValorDeducoes = g.Select(x => x.ValorDeducoes),
ValorServicos = g.Select(x => x.ValorServicos),
ValorIss = g.Select(x => x.ValorInss),
TotalBaseDeCalculo = g.Sum(x => x.BaseCalculo),
TotalValorDeducoes = g.Sum(x => x.ValorDeducoes),
TotalValorServicos = g.Sum(x => x.ValorServicos),
TotalValorIss = g.Sum(x => x.ValorIss),
IssRetido = g.Select(x => x.IssRetido > decimal.Zero),
ItemDeServico = g.Select(x => x.ItemListaServico.Descricao),
CodItemServico = g.Select(x => x.ItemListaServico.Codigo)
return res;