I have a form where I search with the name or code of municipalities all over Brazil. After doing this query, I only display in the input the code of this search.
I need to get the "description" generated in this input, to load it into another input.
<input name="municipiosServico" id="municipiosServico" type="text" required ng-model="contribuinte.codLocalPrestacaoServico"
typeahead="municipiosServico.codigo as municipiosServico.descricao + ' - ' + municipiosServico.uf for municipiosServico in municipiosBr | filter:$viewValue | limitTo:8"
In the first input display municipalitiesServico.codigo and in the second I need to display the municipiosServico.descricao.
I was trying to get through the municipalitiesServico.codigo , to go to the bank and return with the name of the municipality, but it would be very costly in terms of application performance.