Problem removing at first in a double-chained list


Hello. When I try to use the "remove" function to remove the first element from the list, apparently nothing happens. But, shortly after using the function remove and try to insert a new node in the list, it does not insert, and the second time that I try to insert, it returns to insert normally as if nothing had happened. I'm breaking my head with this, and I can not seem to find the problem of why it does not remove and it displays this "error" when inserting after trying to remove.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

struct cliente{
    int senha;
    char prio;
    struct cliente *ant,*prox;
typedef struct cliente Cliente;

void insere_inicio(Cliente *cabeca);
void listar(Cliente *cabeca);
void libera_lista(Cliente *cabeca);
void retira(Cliente *cabeca);

int main(){

    Cliente *cabeca=(Cliente *) malloc(sizeof(Cliente));
    cabeca->prox = NULL;
    cabeca->ant = NULL;

     int q; /* Caractere para receber a opcao do usuario */
     do {
     \n1 -> para inserir no inicio o cliente;\
     \n2 -> para listar todas as senhas;\
     \n3 -> para retirar o primeiro da lista;\
     \n0 -> para sair \n:");
     scanf("%i", &q); /* Le a opcao do usuario */
     switch(q) {
     case 1: insere_inicio(cabeca); break;
     case 2: listar(cabeca); break;
     case 3: retira(cabeca); break;
     case 0: break;
     default: printf("\n\n Opcao nao valida");
     fflush(stdin); /* Limpa o buffer de entrada */
     } while ((q != 0) );

//função para alocar espaço de memoria e criar o nó
Cliente *aloca(){
    //tenta alocar um novo nó
    Cliente *novono=(Cliente *) malloc(sizeof(Cliente));
    if(!novono){//se não alocou, e portanto novo não existe faça
        printf("Sem memoria disponivel!\n");
         printf("senha: ");
         scanf("%i", &novono->senha); 
         printf("\nprioridade: [P] para preferencial ou [N] normal: ");
         scanf("%c", &novono->prio);
         //q = novono->prio;
         return novono;

void insere_inicio(Cliente *cabeca) {

 Cliente *novono=aloca();
 Cliente *aux = cabeca->prox;
 cabeca->prox = novono;
 novono->prox = aux;
 novono->ant = NULL;

void listar(Cliente *cabeca){

    if(cabeca->prox == NULL){
        printf("\nTem nada aqui nao hein\n");
    Cliente *aux;
    aux = cabeca->prox;
    while(aux != NULL){

        printf("\nSenha: %i", aux->senha);
        printf("\nPrioridade: %c", aux->prio);

void retira(Cliente *cabeca){

    if(cabeca->prox == NULL){
        printf("lista esta vazia");
        Cliente *aux;
        aux = cabeca;
        cabeca = cabeca->prox;
    //  cabeca->ant = NULL; 

void libera_lista(Cliente *cabeca){
    //se a lista nao estiver vazia
    if(cabeca->prox != NULL){
        Cliente *aux;
        aux = cabeca->prox;
        while(cabeca != NULL){
            aux = cabeca;
            cabeca = cabeca->prox;



asked by anonymous 16.09.2018 / 01:23

1 answer


The problem lies in this part:

void retira(Cliente *cabeca){

if(cabeca->prox == NULL){
    printf("lista esta vazia");
    Cliente *aux;
    aux = cabeca;
    cabeca = cabeca->prox;
//  cabeca->ant = NULL; 

Two errors are found here.

1º The aux pointer points to the variable head, and should point to the element after the head, which in thesis is the first element of the list.

2nd The cabeca = cabeca->prox; statement does not delete the first element of the list, in fact it makes the pointer cabeca point to where it was already pointing. The correct one is to make cabeca point to the next one next, who in thesis would be the second element, which will become the first

With the correct corrections the function will look like this:

 void retira(Cliente *cabeca){
     if(cabeca->prox == NULL){
       printf("lista esta vazia");
      Cliente *aux;
      aux = cabeca->prox;
      cabeca->prox = cabeca->prox->prox;

      if(cabeca->prox != NULL){
        cabeca->prox->ant = cabeca;

      aux->ant = NULL;
      aux->prox = NULL;
17.09.2018 / 02:15