Converting a .NET algorithm to JS


Friends, I have a small problem in 'converting' an algorithm. In the algorithm in .net I have the following conditional structure:

if (')' == caracter){
    String item = pilha.Pop().ToString();
    while (!item.Equals("(")){
        resultado += item;
        item = pilha.Pop().ToString();

Throwing everything to javaScript would look like this:

if (')' == caracter){
    var item = pilha.pop();
    while (item != '('){
        resultado += item; //Corrigido
        item = pilha.pop();

In my understanding while (!item.Equals("(")){ would be the equivalent of while (item != '('){

So in this condition it is entering infinite looping, ie the algorithm is not running the way it should ..... Someone could give me a help about the Equals function and the ! operator on .net ?

Was my interpretation "very" erroneous?

------- Interpretation of the whole code: .NET

private String funcao(String expressao){
    String resultado = null;
    Stack pilha = new Stack();
    char caracter;
    int prioridade = 0;

    for(int i = 0; i < expressao.Length; i++){
        caracter = expressao[i];

            resultado += caracter;
        }else if (IsOperador(caracter)){
            prioridade = ObterPrioridade(caracter);
            while((pilha.Count != 0) && (ObterPrioridade(Convert.ToChar(pilha.Peek())) >= prioridade)){
                resultado += pilha.Pop().ToString();

        }else if ('(' == caracter){
        }else if (')' ==caracter){
            String item = pilha.Pop().ToString();
            while (!item.Equals("(")){
                resultado += item;
                item = pilha.Pop().ToString();

    while(pilha.Count != 0){
        resultado += pilha.Pop().ToString();

    return resultado;

Interpreted for JS :

function funcao(){
    var arrayDeCaracteres = "((A + B) * C – (D – E)) ^ (F – G)";
    var pilha = new Array;
    var prioridade = 0;
    var caracter = ""; var resultado = "";

    for(i = 0; i < arrayDeCaracteres.length; i++){
        caracter = arrayDeCaracteres[i];

            resultado += caracter;
        }else if (operador(caracter)){
            prioridade = obterPrioridade(caracter);
            aux = pilha.pop();
            aux2 = obterPrioridade(aux);
            while((pilha.length  > 1) && (obterPrioridade(aux2 >= prioridade))){
                resultado += pilha.pop();
            //Insere o objeto no topo da pilha
        }else if ('(' == caracter){
            //Insere o objeto no topo da pilha
        }else if (')' == caracter){
            var item = pilha.pop();
            while (item != '('){
                resultado += item;
                //Recupera e remove o objeto do topo da pilha
                item = pilha.pop();

    while(pilha.length > 1){
        resultado += pilha.pop();

Functions ObterPrioridade , IsOperando and IsOperador in .NET :

private int ObterPrioridade(char caracter){
    int retorno= 0;
    String pri2 = "+-";
    String pri3 = "*/";
    if('(' == caracter){
        retorno = 1;
    }else if(pri2.IndexOf(caracter) >= 0) {
        retorno = 2;
    }else if(pri3.IndexOf(caracter) >= 0){
        retorno = 3;
    }else if ('^' == caracter){
        retorno = 4;
    return retorno;

private bool IsOperando(char caracter){
    return (letras.IndexOf(caracter) >= 0);

private bool IsOperador(char caracter){
    String operadores = "+-*/^";
    return (operadores.IndexOf(caracter) >= 0);

Functions obterPrioridade , operando and operador in JS :

function operando(caracter){
    var regex = /^[a-zA-Z]+$/;
        return true;
        return false;

function operador(caracter){
    var regex = /^[*+-–/]+$/gi;
        return true;
        return false;

function obterPrioridade(caracter){
    var retorno= 0;
    var regex1 = /^[+-–]+$/gi;
    var regex2 = /^[*/]+$/gi;

    if('(' == caracter){
        retorno = 1;
    }else if(regex1.test(caracter)){
        retorno = 2;
    }else if(regex2.test(caracter)){
        retorno = 3;
    }else if ('^' == caracter){
        retorno = 4;
    return retorno;


The algorithm predicts the conversion of a mathematical expression InFixa in PostFixa ....

What is a InFixa expression ?

Natural expressions, as they are usually written, type: ( a + b ) * ( c - d )

What is a PostFixa expression ?

Expressions where operators are positioned after operations so that parentheses are not needed, type a b + c d - *

It has operators priority rule and everything, it's very complicated, but the algorithm is somewhat simple

asked by anonymous 05.12.2014 / 14:53

1 answer


If you are using IE or some other browsers that do not implement this correctly, this expression will not work:

 caracter = expressao[i];  // nem sempre funciona

The result of this expression in IE is undefined . In Javascript, you should use the expression:

 caracter = expressao.charAt(i); // sempre funciona

Also, instead of building arrays like this:

 var pilha = new Array; // funciona, mas não é legal...
                        // alguém ainda vai editar e dar um
                        //  new Array(32) ou Array(32, 3) e entender tudo errado!

Do this:

 var pilha = []; // funcionar e você pode inicializar tranquilamente!

Who is accustomed to javascript, the second expression is much simpler and readable. Also you will see that it is very common to start arrays in javascript with values already. Using the first expression new Array() with parameters leads to many erroneous results, because the order and quantity of parameters use constructs that are not obvious!

No more "translation" is ok!

12.12.2014 / 04:00