XCode - array position value is not displayed


I have an array with 30 positions and in each position of the array I have several objects type: NumProcess, Name, Age, Sex, DateNation.

I would like to display all these objects from each position in a single line using NSLog , but I do not want to do concatenation.

If I use this:

NSLog(@"Conteúdos no array:  %@", [processosArray objectAtIndex:i]); 

The result will be: Conteúdos no array: 0x8cb1da0

asked by anonymous 16.06.2014 / 17:17

1 answer


Good afternoon, Your problem is simple, when you do [processesArray objectAtIndex: i] you are picking up an object of typeObjProcessObj and your NSLog is only showing the memory address of it.

To show something inside this object you have to do a cast, something like:

PesquisaProcessosObj *processo = [processosArray objectAtIndex:i];
NSLog("teu log %@", processo.Idade);

I hope to have helped, hugs!

18.06.2014 / 04:44