I needed to authenticate on a test server to consume a service in a webservice, I was able to make the authentication and generate the xml with the following code based on a code SOen
operacao = 'consulta'
Agencia = "X"
Agente = "X"
Origem = 1
Destino = 2
Data = 2014-06-17
params = '?operacao=%s&agencia=%s&agente=%s&origem=%s&destino=destino&data=%s&idtransacao=c2153663a6a6a8733f58b8c79&fpag=J0' %(operacao, Agencia, Agente, Origem, Destino, Data)
oPass = urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm()
oPass.add_password(None, Url, User, Password)
authHandler = urllib2.HTTPDigestAuthHandler(oPass)
opener = urllib2.build_opener(authHandler)
resposta = opener.open("%s%s" %(Url, params)) #Retorna um XML
print resposta.read() #Leitura do XML
I've been studying the urllib2 library to understand
classes and methods: HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm
, add_password
, build_opener
I'm reading the python documentation , but it was not clear to me the function of each of these methods in the code I am using, I would like a clearer explanation of the function of these classes and methods that I'm using in the code.