Multiple threads may interfere with the timerControl


I'm developing a program that contains more than 10 threads running ... there was a need to have two timers, one to block and one to release a process, so I'm using the WinForms timerControl ...

which initially are: timer.Enable = false / timer.Interval = 100; at the right time, I put them this way: timer.Interval = 60000 (1min) /timer.Enable = true ;

But they never get active .... I already tried to use timer1.Start () together, but it did not work ...

Anyone know if this is because of the threads or not ... I already searched the net but did not find anything like it

asked by anonymous 15.08.2014 / 19:32

1 answer


Well, I was able to use them as follows, leaving them active from the beginning, and when the test condition is true, I change their interval (inside tick event was the only way to change), and so the condition is no longer true I change the time again. But I really wanted to find out the reason ... but vlw

15.08.2014 / 21:28