Using timestamp in different fields


I have a timestamp field in a postgres table. I would like to treat, in delphi, the date in one dbedit and the time in another, is there that possibility ?? In the tests I performed, I can even change the values but when I exit, for example the dbedit keeps the date, it changes the time and the same happens when I leave the dbedit of the hour, it changes the date.

asked by anonymous 08.11.2014 / 13:53

2 answers


One of the ways to do this is to not use DBWare components, and use the DataSet AfterScroll and BeforePost events to update your non-DBWare fields.

Given the DataHoraBanco field you can do the following:

First create 2 fields without using DB components ( TEdit, TDateTimePicker, TMaskEdit , etc)


In your dataset in event AfterScroll fill in:

procedure Form1.DataSetonAfterScroll(DataSet: TDataSet);
  dteDataForm.Date := Trunc(DataSet.FieldByName('DataHoraBanco').AsDateTime );
  edtHoraForm.Text := FormatDateTime('hh:nn:ss', DataSet.FieldByName('DataHoraBanco').AsDateTime);

And in event BeforePost do:

procedure Form1.DataSetonAfterScroll(DataSet: TDataSet);
  DataSet.FieldByName('DataHoraBanco').AsDateTime := dteDataForm.Date +

Remembering that the TDateTime type of delphi is a Double and so the Trunc function extracts the integer (date) and sum, the + sign is used to add the decimal part equivalent to minutes and seconds.

10.11.2014 / 13:11

In your Select you can create two "virtual" fields, one for time and one for date. Making a cast for date and another for time, from the original field (timestamp). In the BeforePost event of the component you concatenate the two values for the original field.


Select Cast(CampoTimeStamp as Date) as Campo_Data, Cast(CampoTimeStamp as Time) as Campo_Hora, CampoTimeStamp From...

In the before post event it would look something like this:

DataSet['CampoTimeStamp'] := DataSet['Campo_Data'] + DataSet['Campo_Hora'];
08.11.2014 / 18:31