I'm trying to make a simple program: it allocates an integer in the stack, calls% c_of% of the C library, and prints it to the screen. I have already disassembled it in C , and I try to reimplement it, without success. I tested the allocation without making any C call without any error. The problem is the Microsoft x64 convention. What is wrong with the following program?
bits 64
section .data
local1 db 'Hello. Input a number, please.',10,'> ', 0
local2 db '%u', 0
local3 db 10,'You input: %u', 0
section .text
extern printf
extern scanf
extern exit
extern getch
global WinMain
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
mov dword[rbp - 4], 0
; = push dword 0 em 64 bits
mov rcx, local1
call printf ;imprime o "pedido"
mov rcx, local2
lea rdx, [rbp - 4] ;endereço da variável alocada
call scanf
mov rcx, local3
call printf
call getch
xor rcx, rcx ;coloca o valor de saída como 0
call exit ;sai
mov rsp, rbp
pop rbp ;stack frame de saída
PS: (Consider | a line break) I have already tried to change scanf
by mov dword[rbp - 4], 0
and sub rsp, 4 | mov dword[rsp-4], 0
( push word 0 | push word 0
is illegal in 64 bits).