VBA - SQL - Filter with SELECT


I would like help with extracting information from another worksheet through SQL.

The link on the worksheet where you will establish the connection and extract the information is this: Google Drive

The link to the spreadsheet where the Database is containing the information for the extraction is this: By Google Drive


I have a worksheet where you have the fields:    Tel No., Reason for Submission, Activation Date, Date Import Date Change, Status.


I need to import all of them, with some criteria (exception):

  • Tel number that does not repeat and has Status (RELEASED) does not need to be imported.

  • Tel number that does not repeat and has Status (TEMPORARY ANOMALY, PENDING, ANALYSIS) needs to be imported.

  • You do not need to import the Status (DEFINITIVE ANOMALY)

  • Tel number that is repeated and has Status (TEMPORARY ANOMALY, PENDING, ANALYSIS) needs to be imported.

    DO NOT IMPORT Tel (phone numbers) that repeat RELEASED , that is, if you have 4 numbers repeated for example, and one of them appears the RELEASED Status none of these numbers will be imported.

I've tried in many ways, but to no avail, I'm still a beginner with SQL, I made the code below but it does not follow the rules mentioned above.

StrSql = "SELECT [Nº Tel], [Motivo de Envio], [Data Ativação], [Data Importação], [Data Alteração], Status FROM [export$] WHERE Status in ('ANOMALIA TEMPORÁRIA','PENDENTE','EM ANÁLISE')"
asked by anonymous 17.11.2018 / 23:00

1 answer


You will have to use a subquery, which is nothing more than SELECT inside another SELECT . The query looks like this:

SELECT [Nº Tel], [Motivo de Envio], [Data Ativação], [Data Importação], [Data Alteração], [Status]
FROM 'C:\xxx\APURAR.xlsx'.'export$' AS export
    SELECT DISTINCT aux.[Nº Tel]
    FROM 'C:\xxx\APURAR.xlsx'.'export$' AS aux
    WHERE export.[Nº Tel] = aux.[Nº Tel] 
        AND aux.[Status] = 'LIBERADO'

The subquery below checks if there is any number with Status (RELEASED) and NOT EXISTS excludes it:

    SELECT DISTINCT aux.[Nº Tel]
    FROM 'C:\xxx\APURAR.xlsx'.'export$' AS aux
    WHERE export.[Nº Tel] = aux.[Nº Tel] 
        AND aux.[Status] = 'LIBERADO'

The result looks like this:

30.11.2018 / 00:30