How to simulate a form action = POST with urllib2


I want to create a program that reads my college notes and displays on the screen, so I'm using urllib2 to receive the web page where my notes are presented and to receive I need to log in.

code in which I'm trying to simulate the submit form and return to the page it redirects to.

from urllib2 import *
import urllib
proxy = ProxyHandler({'http': r'http://xxxx:xxxx@xxxxx@xxxxx:xxxxxx'})
auth = HTTPBasicAuthHandler()
opener = build_opener(proxy, auth, HTTPHandler)


url = ''
response = urlopen(url, data).read()
print response

the form of the web page that is for me to log in and redirect me to the notes

<form name="aspnetForm" method="post" action="Login.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2fUniversusNet%2fNotasFaltasTotais.aspx" onsubmit="javascript:return WebForm_OnSubmit();" id="aspnetForm">
    <input type="hidden" name="__EVENTTARGET" id="__EVENTTARGET" value="">
    <input type="hidden" name="__EVENTARGUMENT" id="__EVENTARGUMENT" value="">
    <input type="hidden" name="__VIEWSTATE" id="__VIEWSTATE" value="/wEPDwULLTE4NzU1ODgxNTkPZBYCZg9kFgICAw9kFgICCQ9kFgICAQ9kFgICAQ9kFgICAQ8QZGQWAGQYAQU2Y3RsMDAkRm9ybXVsYXJpb0NvbnRlbnRQbGFjZUhvbGRlciRFc3RhZG9UZWxhTXVsdGlWaWV3Dw9kZmT14eU493cBliuPCSv6TJQbGDKjrA==">
    <input type="hidden" name="__VIEWSTATEGENERATOR" id="__VIEWSTATEGENERATOR" value="7C9DFC57">
    <input name="ctl00$FormularioContentPlaceHolder$UsuarioTextBox" type="text" id="ctl00_FormularioContentPlaceHolder_UsuarioTextBox" class="caixaTexto">
    <input name="ctl00$FormularioContentPlaceHolder$SenhaTextBox" type="password" id="ctl00_FormularioContentPlaceHolder_SenhaTextBox" class="caixaTexto"></td>
    <input type="submit" name="ctl00$FormularioContentPlaceHolder$EntrarButton" value="Entrar" onclick="javascript:WebForm_DoPostBackWithOptions(new WebForm_PostBackOptions(&quot;ctl00$FormularioContentPlaceHolder$EntrarButton&quot;, &quot;&quot;, true, &quot;&quot;, &quot;&quot;, false, false))" id="ctl00_FormularioContentPlaceHolder_EntrarButton" class="botao">&nbsp; <a href="EsqueceuSenha.aspx" id="ctl00_FormularioContentPlaceHolder_LinkExibeEsqueceusenha" class="link">Esqueceu sua senha?</a></td>

And this page directs me to login. I'm trying to login but I'm not having success, can anyone help me?

asked by anonymous 14.04.2015 / 17:16

1 answer


You should not be able to log in because the input type > button, not the name.

     ,'submit':'Entrar'}) # <------ Errado

The correct one should be:

     ,'ctl00$FormularioContentPlaceHolder$EntrarButton':'Entrar'}) # <------ Certo

The code should look like this:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from urllib2 import *
import urllib, cookielib

def obterNotas(url, usuario, senha):
    proxy = ProxyHandler({'http': "xxxx.xxxx:zzzz"})
    auth = HTTPBasicAuthHandler()
    cookie = cookielib.CookieJar()
    opener = build_opener(proxy, auth, HTTPHandler, HTTPCookieProcessor(cookie))

    dados = urllib.urlencode({'__EVENTTARGET': '',
                         '__EVENTARGUMENT': '',
                         '__VIEWSTATE': '/wEPDwULLTE4NzU1ODgxNTkPZBYCZg9kFgICAw9kFgICCQ9kFgICAQ9kFgICAQ9kFgICAQ8QZGQWAGQYAQU2Y3RsMDAkRm9ybXVsYXJpb0NvbnRlbnRQbGFjZUhvbGRlciRFc3RhZG9UZWxhTXVsdGlWaWV3Dw9kZmT14eU493cBliuPCSv6TJQbGDKjrA==',
                         'ctl00$FormularioContentPlaceHolder$UsuarioTextBox': usuario,
                         "ctl00$FormularioContentPlaceHolder$SenhaTextBox": senha,
    request = Request(url, dados)
    paginaLogin = urlopen(request).read()
    paginaNotas = None

    # Aqui você verifica se teve sucesso no login
    if 'Algo que indique o sucesso do login' in paginaLogin:
        paginaNotas = urlopen('').read()
    return paginaNotas

And to use it:

def main():
    urlLogin = ''
    notas = obterNotas(urlLogin, 'usuario', 'senha')
    # Aqui você manipula a variável 'notas' e extrai as informações que você quer 

Alternatively, you could use the requests library that allows you to work with sessões , thus making it easy to LogIn and get the data a page that requires authentication.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import requests

def obterNotas(url, usuario, senha):
    dados = {'__EVENTTARGET': '',
                              '__EVENTARGUMENT': '',
                              '__VIEWSTATE': '/wEPDwULLTE4NzU1ODgxNTkPZBYCZg9kFgICAw9kFgICCQ9kFgICAQ9kFgICAQ9kFgICAQ8QZGQWAGQYAQU2Y3RsMDAkRm9ybXVsYXJpb0NvbnRlbnRQbGFjZUhvbGRlciRFc3RhZG9UZWxhTXVsdGlWaWV3Dw9kZmT14eU493cBliuPCSv6TJQbGDKjrA==',
                              '__VIEWSTATEGENERATOR': '7C9DFC57',
                              'ctl00$FormularioContentPlaceHolder$UsuarioTextBox': usuario,
                              'ctl00$FormularioContentPlaceHolder$SenhaTextBox': senha,
                              'ctl00$FormularioContentPlaceHolder$EntrarButton': 'Entrar'}
    urlNotas = ''

    with requests.Session() as sessao:
        paginaLogin =, data=dados).text
        paginaNotas = None

        # Aqui você verifica se teve sucesso ao logar
        if 'Algo que indique o sucesso do login' in paginaLogin:
            paginaNotas = sessao.get(urlNotas).text
        return paginaNotas

def main():
    url = ''
    notas = obterNotas(url, 'usuario','senha')
    # Aqui você manipula a variável 'notas' e extrai as informações que você quer


If you need to use a proxy , just do the following:

import requests

proxy = { "http": "xxxx.xxxx:zzzz", }

requests.get("", proxies=proxy)
15.04.2015 / 01:56