How to differentiate an EditText with the same name and id?

public void criaForm(){
    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
        EditText et = new EditText(this);
        TextView tv = new TextView(this);

I've created multiple EditTexts within a for , so they have the same name and id, is there any way I can differentiate them? Thank you in advance!

asked by anonymous 19.08.2015 / 15:38

2 answers


Any View Android has an attribute called tag which can be used to add extra information to a View .

An example of its use is the following:

View view = new View(contexto);
Object objeto = new Object();

Object objectDaTag = view.getTag();

And since EditText is the child of View you can also take advantage of this feature. For example:

EditText et = new EditText(this);
Object objetoDaTag = et.getTag(); // se atribuído outra classe deve ser feito o cast

Official Documentation

19.08.2015 / 19:40

If your problem is to differentiate two EditTexts and neither id nor tag satisfies you, take advantage of the inheritance and polymorphism mechanism of Java and create a class with an attribute over

public class MyEditText extends EditText {

21.08.2015 / 00:41