The factanal()
factorial command shows a meaningless error message.
I have to perform the factorial analysis, I want to compare the scores obtained when using the solutions by the variance matrix and the correlation matrix.
Array error X appears, but it is inside the command.
Follows the basis of R:
iris <- data.frame(rbind(iris3[,,1], iris3[,,2], iris3[,,3]),Sp = rep(c("s","c","v"), rep(50,3)))
iris = cbind(iris[,(1:4)])
Follow command executed and techo with error:
mvscov <- factanal(iris, factors=1, covmat=var(iris), n.obs=150, rotation="none", scores="regression")
Error in factanal(iris, factors = 1, covmat = var(iris), n.obs = 150, :
scores requeridos sem uma matriz 'x'
mvscor <- factanal(iris, factors=1, covmat=cor(iris), n.obs=150, rotation="none", scores="regression")
Error in factanal(iris, factors = 1, covmat = cor(iris), n.obs = 150, :
scores requeridos sem uma matriz 'x'