How to add columns and values in the columns in a ListView at run time?


I have ListView listViewListaChamada and I'm trying to add columns and values to the columns corresponding to my ListView listViewListaChamada , but I did not succeed. I created the function below to popular my ListView:

private void PopulaListView(MListaPresenca lista_chamada, ListView listview, MAluno aluno) 

Where the first column receives the nome of the student and the second column receives the value of the Presente attribute whose value can be SIM or NÃO , so my ListView will have two columns, however, at the moment of entering the values I get the following error:


"InvalidArgument = Value '0' is not a valid value for 'index'. \ r \ nName   of the parameter: index "

I would like to know how to add columns and values in the columns of my ListView at run time?

asked by anonymous 16.12.2015 / 21:02

1 answer


First I had to create the columns:

listViewListaChamada.View = View.Details;
listViewListaChamada.Columns.Add("Aluno", 490);
listViewListaChamada.Columns.Add("Presente", 100);

I set the above routine in the Load event of my form.

Then I made the modification in the method PopulaListView , see how it was:

private void PopulaListView(ListView listview, string nome,  string presente) 
    ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(new []{nome, presente});    

Only the method call was passed by passing the parameters and I was successful.

Font .

17.12.2015 / 18:43