Apply style in child element according to parent element in SASS With declaration in child


Hello, I'm building a SASS style structure that changes will depend on a defined class in my body. This class dictates which browser the user is using, for example:

<body class="chrome"> <!-- Google Chrome -->
<body class="firefox"> <!-- Mozilla Firefox -->
<body class="ie"> <!-- Internet Explorer -->
<body class="opera"> <!-- Opera Browser -->
<body class="edge"> <!-- Edge Browser -->

I'm aware that in CSS, if I want to change anything for each element, I should use a selector together like this:


.chrome  .foo { background-color:red; }
.firefox .foo { background-color:blue; }
.ie      .foo { background-color:yellow; }
.opera   .foo { background-color:pink; }
.edge    .foo { background-color:green; }

In SASS (by logic)

.chrome {
  .foo { background-color:red; }
.firefox {
  .foo { background-color:blue; }
.ie {
  .foo { background-color:yellow; }
.opera {
  .foo { background-color:pink; }
.edge {
  .foo { background-color:green; }

I would like to know if there is no more "readable" way to write directly to the Child element this modification based on the Parent class, something like this:

.foo {
  parent(.chrome) { background:red; }
  parent(.firefox) { background:blue; }
  parent(.ie) { background:yellow; }
  parent(.opera) { background:pink; }
  parent(.edge) { background:green; }

Is there any way for me to define this in SASS and he himself will be responsible for assembling the rest of the statements for when, in a given class, he will find this?

asked by anonymous 02.01.2017 / 16:27

3 answers


I found the solution to my problem. SASS lets me declare a complete expression within the class and after it I set the composite selector wildcard character (&) like this:

.foo {
  background-color: black; & {
    background-color: red; 
  body.firefox & {
    background-color: blue; 
  } & {
    background-color: yellow;
  body.opera & {
    background-color: pink;
  body.edge & {
    background-color: green;
02.01.2017 / 17:22

What you can do is create an EXTEND, you can import one class into another.

// Criamos os extends

%chrome {


// Importamos onde queremos inserir

.box-meio {
  // importar a classe chrome
  @extend %chrome;

.box-topo {
  // importar a classe firefox
  @extend %firefox;
02.01.2017 / 17:13

You can use @ at-root.

.foo {
  @at-root {
    .chrome & { ... }
    .firefox & { ... }
    .iexplorer & { ... }
04.01.2017 / 04:55