I have a list of ISBN (International Standard Book Number) with about 100 records, all Brazilian books, and I wanted to get the information on the book in a faster way, but does not have to be in real time.
To search the book via ISBN, access the ISBN Brazil site at search and I inform the ISBN and it returns the data to me, and then I fill in a spreadsheet, to be very basic it.
In order to do this search a little faster, I just need to type Captcha once and the rest I consult the url below, just changing the ISBN:
Based on this, I had the idea, inform the captcha once and then I can search any book by changing the ISBN of the URL, but I wanted to do this automatically, and save in a same space-separated TXT field values. p>
Via console.log
I get the information I need, very simply, but it works:
String.prototype.trim = function() {
return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
var livro = '"' + document.getElementsByClassName("conteudo")[0].getElementsByTagName('div')[5].childNodes[3].nodeValue.trim() +
'" "' + document.getElementsByClassName("conteudo")[0].getElementsByTagName('div')[6].childNodes[3].nodeValue.trim() +
'" "' + document.getElementsByClassName("conteudo")[0].getElementsByTagName('div')[7].childNodes[3].nodeValue.trim() +
'" "' + document.getElementsByClassName("conteudo")[0].getElementsByTagName('div')[8].childNodes[3].nodeValue.trim() +
'" "' + document.getElementsByClassName("conteudo")[0].getElementsByTagName('div')[10].childNodes[3].nodeValue.trim() +
'" "' + document.getElementsByClassName("conteudo")[0].getElementsByTagName('div')[12].childNodes[3].nodeValue.trim() +
';' + document.getElementsByClassName("conteudo")[0].getElementsByTagName('div')[12].childNodes[5].nodeValue.trim() + '"';
"978-85-66250-29-9" "Começando com o linux: comando, serviços e administração" "1" "2013" "135" "Adriano Henrique de Almeida (Organizador);Paulo Eduardo Azevedo Silveira (Organizador);Daniel Romero ( Autor);"
I have to do book by book, and I'm so sick of doing this: /, I wanted to know
if you have some very simple way to automate this, maybe go through an array as an example below, and return the information even if it is in a simple TXT with spaces as returned above.
Thank you
var isbn = ["9788566250299", "9788555191459", "9788555191039"];
Using the google Google Books APIs library, some books do not return results, such as shown in this question Search details of a book with google-books-api-in-php , so I would like to do this above, from which the result can be obtained by URL:
But it does not have a return, already by the ISBN Brazil site, it has.