Design pattern for combining data coming from different Databases


I'm getting data from two different databases and need to format this data for Json.

The problem is not accessing the two banks and picking up the information. The problem is that my class got more complex than it should have. One of my Json fields is dependent on data that is in another database. So for every time I build Json with data from one bank, I need to go to another bank to fill in that information. Here is an example code:

public class JsonClipAlerta
        public JsonClipAlerta()

        public long Id;
        public IList<string> EnderecosEletronicos { get; set; }
        public IList<ExpressoesStruct> Expressoes { get; set; }
        public string IdCript { get; set; }

        public static JsonClipAlerta FromClipAlerta(ClipAlerta arg, Usuario usuarioLogado)
            var crypto = ContainerHelper.Resolve<IServicoDeCriptografia>();
            var jsonClipAlerta = new JsonClipAlerta();
            var repositorioEnderecoEletronico = ContainerHelper.Resolve<ComuniqueSeWorkflow.Dominio.IRepositorios.IRepositorioEnderecoEletronico>();

            jsonClipAlerta.Id = arg.Id; 
            jsonClipAlerta.IdCript = crypto.Criptografar(arg.Id);
            jsonClipAlerta.Expressoes = arg.Expressoes.Select(e => new ExpressoesStruct { id = crypto.Criptografar(e.Id), text = e.Descricao }).ToList();
            jsonClipAlerta.EnderecosEletronicos = repositorioEnderecoEletronico.RetornaColecao (arg.EnderecosEletronicos.ToList()).Select(ee => ee.Endereco).ToList();

            return jsonClipAlerta;

    public struct ExpressoesStruct {
        public string id;
        public string text;
asked by anonymous 28.01.2016 / 14:43

1 answer


There are several approaches to solving this problem, one of which is using the principles of SOLID along with Software Design Patterns .

We can start with the principle of "Single Responsability" (the "S" of SOLID) or single responsibility and ask: "Whose responsibility is it to create a JsonClipAlerta?" Perhaps an object factory would be better suited to this task. "How many factories are there in the program?" Probably only one. "Will this factory have any ' suppliers ' of information?" Perhaps we can contract (or "inject") suppliers through a contract (or "interface").

Soon we can use a combination of patterns : let's then create a single instance object factory that will receive via dependency injection the two information providers, let's combine a Singleton with Factory Method Pattern Dependency Injection Design Pattern for high cohesion terms, that is, each class with a responsibility and terms low matching, that is, each class does not depend on another class, other than interfaces, which is the "Dependency inversion principle" of SOLID that says that we must depend on abstractions (interfaces) rather than implementations (classes).

Our goal is to create Json as follows:

JsonClipAlerta json = JsonClipAlertaFactory.Instance
.CreateJsonClipAlerta(new JsonClipArguments { Id = 100, InitialDate = DateTime.Now });

So a possible factory solution would be:

    public sealed class JsonClipAlertaFactory
          // providers que serão inicializados no construtor
          private readonly IProviderClipAlerta providerClip;
          private readonly IRepositorioEnderecoEletronico providerEndereco;

          // Factory method que cria os objetos
          public JsonClipAlerta CreateJsonClipAlerta(JsonClipArguments args)
             ClipAlerta clip = this.providerClip.GetClipAlerta(args.Id);

             var jsonClip = new JsonClipAlerta()
                // Informações vindas do primeiro provider
                Id = clip.Id,
                Expressoes = clip.Expressoes,

                // Informações vindas do segundo provider 
                EnderecosEletronicos = this.providerEndereco

             return jsonClip;

          // Singleton com construtor privado que recebe os providers
          private JsonClipAlertaFactory(
             IProviderClipAlerta providerClip,
             IRepositorioEnderecoEletronico providerEndereco)
             this.providerClip = providerClip;
             this.providerEndereco = providerEndereco;

          public static JsonClipAlertaFactory Instance 
              get { return Nested.instance; } 

          private class Nested
             // Construtor estático para dizer ao compilador C# 
             // não marcar tipo como 'beforefieldinit'
             static Nested() { }

             // Passando os providers para o construtor privado
             internal static readonly JsonClipAlertaFactory instance =
                new JsonClipAlertaFactory(
                    new ProviderClipAlerta(), 
                    new RepositorioEnderecoEletronico());

With the following classes, from illustration to our example above:

  // Classes de 'ilustração' usada na nossa Factory acima
 public class ClipAlerta
      public long Id { get; set; }
      public IList<ExpressoesStruct> Expressoes { get; set; }
      public IList<string> EnderecosEletronicos { get; set; }

   // Interfaces e classes dos providers   
   public interface IProviderClipAlerta
      ClipAlerta GetClipAlerta(long id);

   public interface IRepositorioEnderecoEletronico
      IList<string> RetornaColecao(IList<string> listaEmails);

   public class ProviderClipAlerta : IProviderClipAlerta
      public ClipAlerta GetClipAlerta(long id)
         throw new NotImplementedException();

   public class RepositorioEnderecoEletronico : IRepositorioEnderecoEletronico
      public IList<string> RetornaColecao(IList<string> listaEmails)
         throw new NotImplementedException();

   // Struct para auxiliar a passagem de parametros
   public struct JsonClipArguments
      public long Id;
      public DateTime InitialDate;      
      // outros parametros..
01.06.2017 / 07:07