Doubt about changing variable in another controller angularjs


I have a screen consisting of a side menu (controller1) and a menu at the top (controller1).

By clicking on the link from the top menu, the application loads information in the side menu, as well as the page in a central div (controller2).

A new requirement has been introduced: when you click on a side menu option, a div must be opened inside the central div which by default is closed during startup. So I must open it; but I'm on different controllers.

What is the best practice for doing this?

asked by anonymous 09.06.2016 / 19:22

3 answers


search on UI-Router Angular . Example:

.state('customers.edit', {
    url: '/edit/:customerId',
    views:{ '' :{ templateUrl: 'views/customers/edit.html'},
            '[email protected]':{templateUrl:'views/customers/form.html',
    controller: 'EditCustomerController as genericCustomersViewModel'}},
    controller: 'EditCustomerController as genericCustomersViewModel'}

There in form is the name of my ui-view.

09.06.2016 / 20:57

I was able to use $ broadcast

10.06.2016 / 19:32

You need to use the concept of angular events through $ emit and $ on. You need to use $ rootScope.

The $ emit is the one who sends the data and the $ on is the recipient.

In the controller you want to send data, use $ emit, you have two parameters in the function, first is the name of the event and the second is the value you want to send.

$rootScope.$emit('enviarDados', 'hello world');

In the controller you want to receive data, use $ on, you have two parameters in the function, first is the name of the event and the second is the return value through a callback.

$rootScope.$on('enviarDados', function(event, valor){
     $scope.nome = valor;

See an example in this link

12.06.2016 / 05:23