Request digital certificate and sign a string on a php web site [closed]


I'm developing a web site for my TCC in php , and I'm stuck:

My application will need to request a digital certificate, which can be the .cer file or load from the user's repository and sign a string without using Java , remote components or ActiveX , everything must be done locally, preference in% with%.

So far, I found several materials and guides, but none explained clearly and directly how to do the whole process, from requesting the certificate to, finally, returning the signed data.

Does anyone know of a JavaScript , tutorial, or how to solve this problem?

asked by anonymous 01.12.2016 / 14:38

1 answer


To request the certificate would be according to the extensive answer of this question:


On signing, you have openssl_sign , but to do so you need to have access to the private key, and through the SSL Handshake explained in the link of the question I posted you will not be able to do it.

I have used the following form, encrypting the contents and then leaving it to the customer to decrypt and validate.

//Obter chave pública
    $pub_key = openssl_pkey_get_public($_SERVER['SSL_CLIENT_CERT']);
    $details = openssl_pkey_get_details($pub_key);

//Lendo outros dados do certificado.
        $cert = openssl_x509_read($_SERVER['SSL_CLIENT_CERT']);
        $certData = openssl_x509_parse($cert);


        $data  = "String para assinar ";

        $a_key = openssl_pkey_get_details($pub_key);
        $chunkSize = ceil($a_key['bits'] / 8) - 11;
        $crypttext = "";
        $data = gzcompress($data);
        while ($data) {
            $chunk = substr($data, 0, $chunkSize);
            $data = substr($data, $chunkSize);
            $encrypted = '';
            if (!openssl_public_encrypt($chunk, $encrypted, $pub_key)) {
                die('Failed to encrypt data');
            $crypttext .= $encrypted;
        $crypttext = base64_encode($crypttext); //String criptografada.
        echo $crypttext;

        $privateKey = "user.key"; //User private key vc não vai ter acesso à ela.
        $a_key = openssl_pkey_get_details($privateKey);
        $chunkSize = ceil($a_key['bits'] / 8);
        $output = '';
        $encrypted = base64_decode($encrypted);
        while ($encrypted) {
            $chunk = substr($encrypted, 0, $chunkSize);
            $encrypted = substr($encrypted, $chunkSize);
            $decrypted = '';
            if (!openssl_private_decrypt($chunk, $decrypted, $privateKey)) {
                die('Failed to decrypt data');
            $output .= $decrypted;
        echo gzuncompress($output);
12.04.2017 / 23:10