Dude, if I've got it right, you have a catalog with several shells, and you want to display them in a list where the user can select one and see the details, right? If so, you're going the wrong way doing an activity / fragment for each shell, think to me if you have a shell object, could not you do a fragment for the listing and one for the detail? This detail fragment would be generic and would display information for a shell object. Correct me if I did not get your idea, but if the idea is this: "View list and shell details" then you are in the wrong direction, if the idea is: "For each shell I want to create a certain different logic for example species X does a certain action, species Y does an action completely different from X ", yes you should create a fragment for each species. And if you do not know how to store those shells that is not fixed in a fragment gives one studied about the Android database. NO HARD CODE!