Maximum number of simultaneous connections to database


I'm using a systems monitoring solution and I notice that at peak times the system has about 1500 simultaneous connections. From this data, I searched and could not find where I can check the limit of simultaneous connections to the database.

So, how can I configure / verify the connection limit with the database? Is connection pool management responsibility for the database or the application? Other than that, what can interfere with the limit of this value?

asked by anonymous 09.02.2015 / 17:55

1 answer


The limit of concurrent connections may depend on:

  • your bank version;
  • of the configured limit;
  • of the hardware capacity;

So how can I configure / check the connection limit with the database?

The maximum limit for SQL Server is 32,767 connections. You can check the limit set in sys.configurations . Remembering that the connection limit in SQL Server is by instance and not by database.

Connection pool management is the responsibility of the database or the application?

The connection pooling feature is managed by the application. There are different ORM frameworks that have their own implementation for connection pool management (ADO.NET, Hibernate, etc.) or can connect to other connection pool management libraries (c3p0, BoneCp, etc.).

If the application opens indefinitely connections to the database, without reusing or closing the ones it has already opened, there will come a time when the database will reach the configured threshold or, more commonly, will leave the database gradually slow. Opening a connection to the database is not a cheap feature.

Otherwise, what can interfere with the limit of this value?

The most common is for the bank to slow down long before it reaches the maximum number of connections configured, usually by the indiscriminate opening of connections, as explained earlier.

01.03.2015 / 05:03