Average on the database in MySQL


Personal I have the following scenario in the database:


mdl_question_attempts (slot, questionid, rightanswer, responsesummary)

mdl_quiz_slots (slot, quizid, questionid)

In the mdl_question_attempts table, attempts to respond to a given quiz are recorded. questionid is the id of the question, rightanswer is the correct answer, responsesummary is the answer given by the student.

In the mdl_quiz_slots table, the questions that were applied to the students are recorded, where questionid is the id of the question, quizid is the id of the questionnaire. >

I would like to have the correct score for a particular quiz.

asked by anonymous 03.11.2017 / 23:15

1 answer


Given that you only want to do the calculation described in question ( average hits per question ), I soon believe that the mdl_quiz_slots table is not required to enter the query. The query below returns:

  • question_id: id of the question
  • total_replies: number of answers for each question
  • hits: number of hits
  • media_acertos: percentage of hits in relation to the total answers of each question


select distinct(questionid) as id_questao,
count(questionid) as total_respostas,
   case when responsesummary = rightanswer
   then 1 else 0
) as acertos,
         case when responsesummary = rightanswer
         then 1 else 0
      / count(responsesummary) * 100
) as media_acertos
from mdl_question_attempts
group by questionid
04.11.2017 / 02:50