I'm using PostgreSQL in my DATABASE Accented information is being recorded with accent problems.
The record as Ã
Shark records as Shark
The encoding of my DATABASE and my server are using UTF8 as ENCODING . However, PostgreSQL has an environment variable called CLIENT_ENCODING that is responsible for controlling the encoding used by the client that is connected to the database server.
When I issue the SHOW
It appears that my ENCODING is UNICODE
So every time I have to use the SET command, in each query tool window, to change its value and correct the accents. For example:
NOTE: If I put 'UTF8' , it does not recognize special characters. I do not know why, since my bank is in 'UTF8' . It should recognize and display the accents, when I put in set UTF8 .
Please, how can I let my client encoding according to the bank (UTF8 ), so that these errors do not happen with the accent?