Problem when merge


I'm doing merges, and in that action, characters with accents are being swapped for symbols, I still do not know what the source of the problem is, if it's the encoding of the files, or if the problem is in git, can someone help me ? Below is an example code that happened after I reliated a merge between two branches.


log.warn("Tentou pegar anexos de análise inexistente");

log.warn("Tentou pegar anexos de an�lise inexistente");
asked by anonymous 17.05.2018 / 16:22

1 answer


If you're seeing one file with the correct accent and another with the wrong accent on the same merge, it's probably not a problem with Git.

Git can change the way of breaking the lines of files (CRLF vs LF), but does not change the accent.

It is very likely that someone has committed a file with the wrong encoding. Check the source of the file with the problem accent and, if necessary, ask the developer who made the change to correct the encoding of their development IDE.

19.05.2018 / 23:10