This other one just below the same post from the link above .. Is there a running difference? ... link
Is there any way to speed up the execution of any of these codes .. Type binary format ... or change n even code??
I put a button to execute .. because with
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange (ByVal Target As Range)
As soon as I put the first letter it already starts to run .. this leaves the worksheet "heavy" ... I would if it were not with a button it was to give enter in cell "C18" .. (At the end of each word search).
@danieltakeshi, I would like that when deleting the cell .. ("C18") = Empty .. appear in the place "Search by address here" .. execute ClearAllFilters ... in case the cell ("C18") whenever you do not have a search to do, you will have "Search by address here".
But the filter has behaved this way with the code ... select the last item of the filter with text search that does not have between the options.
It's like this ..
Option Compare Text
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim PvtTbl As PivotTable
Dim PvtItm As PivotItem
Dim f As String
On Error GoTo Sair
With Application
.EnableEvents = False
.ScreenUpdating = False
.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
End With
If Target.Address = "$C$18" Then
f = Target.Value
' set the pivot table
Set PvtTbl = PivotTables("Tabela dinâmica9")
PvtTbl.ManualUpdate = True
With PvtTbl.PivotFields("Conteúdo variável 5")
For Each PvtItm In .PivotItems
If PvtItm.Name Like "*" & f & "*" Then
PvtItm.Visible = True
PvtItm.Visible = False
End If
Next PvtItm
End With
End If
Set PvtTbl = PivotTables("Tabela dinâmica9")
PvtTbl.ManualUpdate = False
Debug.Print Err.Number
On Error GoTo 0
With Application
.EnableEvents = True
.ScreenUpdating = True
.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
End With
End Sub
Private Sub TextBox1_Change()
textoDigitado = Range("$C$18").Text
Call PreencheLista
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
'Ao iniciar o formulario ira chamar o procedimento PreencheLista
Call PreencheLista
End Sub
Private Sub PreencheLista()
textoDigitado = TextBox1.Text
'código que irá filtrar os nomes
Dim linha As Integer
Dim TextoCelula As String
linha = 1
'limpa os dados do formulário
'Irá executar até o último nome
While ActiveSheet.Cells(linha, 1).Value <> Empty
'pega o nome atual
TextoCelula = ActiveSheet.Cells(linha, 1).Value
'quebra a palavra atual pela esquerda conforme a quantidade de letras digitadas e compara com o texto digitado
If InStr(UCase(TextoCelula), UCase(textoDigitado)) > 0 Then
'se a comparação for igual será adicionado no formulario
ListBox1.AddItem ActiveSheet.Cells(linha, 1)
End If
linha = linha + 1
End Sub
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
If Range("C18").Value = Empty Then
Range("C18").Value = "Faça a busca por endereço aqui"
Call ClearReportFiltering
End If
End Sub
ClearReportFiltering is .. Macro to .ClearAllfilter on Fileds in TD
(It was the form I found for now)