PHP min ($ footage) bringing the wrong value


I have a $ variable variable that var_dump brings me:

array(5) {
  string(5) "111,5"
  string(2) "81"
  string(4) "90,8"
  string(4) "79,6"
  string(1) "6"

I want to bring the minimum and maximum value and I used min ($ footage), in the min, brought the 111.5, but in the min brought 90.8. I think I'm doing it wrong.

asked by anonymous 15.06.2018 / 16:30

1 answer


Your values are strings, so the result you get is the minimum of an alphabetic sort, which would be 111,5 .

To get the least numeric you have to convert each value into a number. But in your case it still has the detail of , that will not be interpreted as a decimal separator, and you can work around by replacing , with . with the str_replace .

The iteration over each element of the array to do the conversion can be done with array_map , which is shorter and more direct.


$arr = Array("111,5", "81", "90,8", "79,6", "6");

$arrNumeros = array_map(function($el){
    return floatval(str_replace(',', '.', $el));    
}, $arr);

echo min($arrNumeros); // 6

See this example in Ideone

To make the difference between the two arrays clear, see the result of var_dump($arrNumeros); :

array(5) {
15.06.2018 / 16:46