Convert value to display in table - mvc asp-net.core


I have a table that returns me a value in int and I need to convert this value to time, how can I perform this procedure, in case I would need to create a function to show me the correct value.

  @Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.HoraInicio)

In this part I need to get the item.HoraInicio value and perform a conversion, but it does not let me declare variables to perform the change, how can I do it?

asked by anonymous 05.06.2018 / 22:27

1 answer


One option is to open a block of code, it would look like this:

        var horario = item.HoraInicio;

Another option is to have a field in your model that already brings the information as you wish

public class Horario
    public int HoraInicio { get; set; }

    public string HoraExibicao
            return HoraInicio.ToString();

and on your page

  @Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.HoraExibicao)
05.06.2018 / 22:35