For example, I have a variable called:
$idEmpreendimento = "1";
I would like, by clicking on a particular link, I could change this value to 2. Is it possible?
--------------------------- EDIT ~ Solution
For those who want the solution, I was able to solve it as follows:
I changed the variable to:
$idEmpreendimento = (isset($_GET["id"])) ? $_GET["id"] : "1";
And in the links, I would put, for example
<a href="?id=1">Link</a>
In this specific case, I ended up pulling the id number directly from the database with a:
echo "<li><a href='?id=" . $Listagem['id'] . "#imoveis" . "'>" . $Listagem['nome'] . "</a></li>";
Anyone who has a similar question and wants to ask, feel free.