PHP 7 - Why does a method that returns the primitive type String, does not generate error when returning a Boolean value?


PHP 7 - Why does a method that returns the String primitive does not generate an error returning a Boolean value?


class Foo
    public function bar() : string
        return true;

$Foo = new Foo();
echo $Foo->bar();


Output: 1


asked by anonymous 08.08.2018 / 18:42

1 answer


By default all code in PHP has Weak check, and to enable place a line at the top of the file including before the namespace check the types strictly (check Strong ): ( declare(strict_types = 1); ):


    declare(strict_types = 1); // habilitando checagem forte

    class Foo
        public function bar(): string
            return true;

    $Foo = new Foo();
    echo ($Foo->bar());


there it generates erro :


Return value of Foo::bar() must be of the type string, boolean returned

OnLine Example


08.08.2018 / 19:00