How to send diary email?


I have an application in Ruby on Rails that I need to send a daily email. I thought about using class Mailer of rails . What I do not know is whether it is possible to check the time to perform automated submission using rails .

Is it possible to use timer to do this check and trigger the submission method at a certain time? If not, is there any gem that does this work?

asked by anonymous 27.03.2014 / 11:47

1 answer


Next @Felipe I have a linux server with 4 rails applications running on it. And also a ruby application that fires a few emails a day, this ruby application is small and uses ActionMailer for the sending emails and has a crontab job running a few times a day. I'll put an example of this application here very simplified.

It stays in the /var/www/mensageria directory inside it I have the following files:

  • mailer_config.rb (smtp mailer settings, user password etc)
  • notification_mailer.rb (Class mailer)
  • send.rb (File that triggers email)

And it has a folder called notification_mailer and inside it a alert.html.erb file.

In the file mailer_config.rb it has the following code:

ActionMailer::Base.delivery_method = :smtp
ActionMailer::Base.smtp_settings = {
    address:                "",
    port:                   587,
    domain:                 "",
    authentication:         :plain,
    user_name:              "user",
    password:               "password",
    enable_starttls_auto:   true

In the file notification_mailer.rb it has the following code:

require 'rubygems'
require 'action_mailer'
require 'action_view'
require './mailer_config.rb'

class NotificationMailer < ActionMailer::Base
    default from: 'Nome do Remetente <[email protected]>'
    def alert(to,subject)
        mail(to: to, subject: subject) do |format|
            format.html { render './notification_mailer/alert.html.erb' }

In the file send.rb it has the following code:

require './notification_mailer.rb'
NotificationMailer.alert('[email protected]','Teste de Email').deliver

The alert.html.erb file places the content you want to upload.

Now the crontab is missing. In a terminal on the server run:

crontab -e you can edit as if you were editing a file by vim

0 6 * * * /bin/bash -l -c 'cd /var/www/mensageria && ruby send.rb'

With this it will run send.rb every day at 06:00.

28.03.2014 / 02:38