Receiving login id


I'm using the PagSeguro PHP API to perform a transparent checkout. I'm having problems when I switch from sandbox to production environment.

Below the code snippet


    url: "url/GetSessionId",
    cache: false,
    success: function(response) {


public function getsessionid(){
    $checkout = new Checkout(false); // Se for false, esta no ambiente de produção

In the Checkout class (from the PayPal account) method printSessionId()

public function printSessionId() {

    // Creating a http connection (CURL abstraction)
    $httpConnection = new HttpConnection();

    // Request to PagSeguro Session API using Credentials
    $httpConnection->post($this->pagSeguroData->getSessionURL(), $this->pagSeguroData->getCredentials());

    // Request OK getting the result
    if ($httpConnection->getStatus() === 200) {

        $data = $httpConnection->getResponse();

        $sessionId = $this->parseSessionIdFromXml($data);

        echo $sessionId;
    } else {
        throw new Exception("API Request Error: ".$httpConnection->getStatus());

And in the PagSeguroData.class.php class the production data is as follows: (The production data is being called, not the sandbox data.) The email and token are correct The token was regenerated in PagSeguro and updated )

'credentials' => array(
    "email" => "[email protected]",
    "token" => "00000000011111111112222222222"

'sessionURL' => "",
'transactionsURL' => "",
'javascriptURL' => ""

The error that occurs is 403

asked by anonymous 07.11.2014 / 20:22

2 answers


According to a user of the pagseguro developers forum in the transparent checkout example topic, this error occurs because you are not allowed to perform the transparent checkout in the production environment, you should contact the pagseguro website, stating that you need it of the checkout.

Follow the topic link in the pagseguro forum - link

08.09.2015 / 15:42

If you're using the PHP API ... I'm doing this (I'm still doing ...)

require_once ("PagSeguroLibrary/PagSeguroLibrary.php");

$credentials = PagSeguroConfig::getAccountCredentials();  
$IDsession = PagSeguroSessionService::getSession($credentials);

Then the whole process (ajax):

        <script type="text/javascript">
            success : function(){

                //***** Inicializando a sessão checkout *****//
                PagSeguroDirectPayment.setSessionId('<?php echo $IDsession; ?>');

                //***** Obtendo o hash do comprador *****//
                var hashComprador = PagSeguroDirectPayment.getSenderHash();

                //***** Obtendo os métodos de pagamento *****//
                    success: function(resposta) { 

                        //***** CARTÕES *****//
                        var cartoes = resposta.paymentMethods.CREDIT_CARD.options;
                        var ArrayCartoes = Object.keys(cartoes).map(function(cartao){
                            return {
                                codigo: cartoes[cartao].code,
                                nome: cartoes[cartao].displayName,
                                sigla: cartoes[cartao].name,
                                path: cartoes[cartao].images.SMALL.path,
                                status: cartoes[cartao].status
                            //Tenho em "ArrayCartoes" todos os cartões retornados do PagSeguro
                            //Por exemplo os dados do primeiro cartão:
                            //*O mesmo vale para os outros métodos de pagamento.

                        //***** BOLETO *****//
                        var boletos = resposta.paymentMethods.BOLETO.options;
                        var ArrayBoletos = Object.keys(boletos).map(function(boleto){
                            return {
                                codigo: boletos[boleto].code,
                                nome: boletos[boleto].displayName,
                                sigla: boletos[boleto].name,
                                path: boletos[boleto].images.SMALL.path,
                                status: boletos[boleto].status

                        //***** DÉBITO ONLINE *****//
                        var debitOnline = resposta.paymentMethods.ONLINE_DEBIT.options;
                        var ArrayDebitOnline = Object.keys(debitOnline).map(function(debito){
                            return {
                                codigo: debitOnline[debito].code,
                                nome: debitOnline[debito].displayName,
                                sigla: debitOnline[debito].name,
                                path: debitOnline[debito].images.SMALL.path,
                                status: debitOnline[debito].status

                    error: function(resposta) { 
                        //tratamento do erro 
                    complete: function(resposta) { 
                        //tratamento comum para todas chamadas 

            error: function(resposta) { 
                //tratamento do erro 
23.01.2015 / 16:26