Acquiring coordinates in Javascript with the help of the CamanJs library


I'm here creating an image editor using Javascript with the CamanJs library and the HTML5 canvas element, but I'm not able to do it draw a box over my image (it disappears as it begins to draw); <canvas id="cavas-id"></canvas> . I thought of something like canvas inside canvas, but my background turns white.

var canvas = document.getElementById('crop'),
ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'),
rect = {},
drag = false;

function init() {
  canvas.addEventListener('mousedown', mouseDown, false);
  canvas.addEventListener('mouseup', mouseUp, false);
  canvas.addEventListener('mousemove', mouseMove, false);

function mouseDown(e) {
  rect.startX = e.pageX - this.offsetLeft;
  rect.startY = e.pageY - this.offsetTop;
  drag = true;

function mouseUp() {
  drag = false;

function mouseMove(e) {
  if (drag) {
    rect.w = (e.pageX - this.offsetLeft) - rect.startX;
    rect.h = (e.pageY - this.offsetTop) - rect.startY ;

function draw() {
  ctx.fillRect(rect.startX, rect.startY, rect.w, rect.h);

And my image:

Caman('#canvas-id', 'balanco.jpg', function()

asked by anonymous 10.04.2014 / 06:58

1 answer


Since CamanJS itself creates a canvas with its image, it is not necessary to create another - this only brings additional complication. I suggest using the canvas itself and drawing it over - right after the image is rendered:

var caman = Caman('#canvas-id', 'balanco.jpg', function()
    canvas = this.canvas; // Salva uma referência para o canvas
    ctx = this.context;   // e para o contexto
    init(); // Só então inicializa

var canvas, ctx, rect = {}, drag = false; // Inicialmente, canvas e ctx são vazios


function draw() {
  // Desenhe a imagem e, quando ela estiver pronta...
  caman.render(function() {
      // ... desenhe o retângulo por cima
      ctx.fillRect(rect.startX, rect.startY, rect.w, rect.h);
//init(); // Não pode inicializar agora, pois o canvas ainda não está pronto

Example in jsFiddle . In this example I still do a rudimentary crop (in mouseUp I render again, to clear the rectangle, I call crop and render it one more time, pro crop to have effect), but since I'm not familiar with this library, I did not want too much ...

10.04.2014 / 13:41