Camufling sender address in an email in PHP


I can not camouflage the sender address @ , I am obliged to use the one from my domain, but in my submission script that I lost I could camouflage, but I think this is hosting thing I use kinghost, the other time I did not use the kinghost and did not work to do so much, so much that I put in my code there, only when it enters the condition of the part of by the name that I want, if I by, does not accept, it seems that the hosting blocks the sending of the email, it should be, do you have any method ???

The code to send the html is:

function sendmail() {
    if(!isset($_POST[Submit])) die("Não foi recebido nenhum parâmetro");
    /* Medida preventiva para evitar que outros domínios sejam remetente da sua mensagem. */
    if (eregi('$|$|$|$', $_SERVER[HTTP_HOST])) {
    } else {
            $emailsender = "noreply@" . $_SERVER[HTTP_HOST];

    /* Verifica qual é o sistema operacional do servidor para ajustar o cabeçalho de forma correta. Não alterar */
    if(PHP_OS == "Linux") $quebra_linha = "\n";
    elseif(PHP_OS == "WINNT") $quebra_linha = "\r\n";
    else die("Incompatibilidade com Sistema Operacional");

    // Passando os dados obtidos pelo formulário para as variáveis abaixo
    $nomeremetente     = $_POST['nomeremetente'];
    $emailremetente    = trim($_POST['emailremetente']);
    $assunto           = $_POST['assunto'];

    $array_emaildestinatario = array();
    $array_emaildestinatario = explode("\n",trim($_POST['emaildestinatario'])); // separa os emails pelas vírgulas em uma array
    foreach($array_emaildestinatario as $elemento) {
        //pra cada email envia
        /* Montando a mensagem a ser enviada no corpo do e-mail. */
        $mensagemHTML = html();

        /* Montando o cabeçalho da mensagem */
        $headers = "MIME-Version: 1.1".$quebra_linha;
        $headers .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1".$quebra_linha;
        // Perceba que a linha acima contém "text/html", sem essa linha, a mensagem não chegará formatada.
        $headers .= "From: ".$emailsender.$quebra_linha;
        $headers .= "Return-Path: " . $emailsender . $quebra_linha;

        $headers .= "Reply-To: ".$emailremetente.$quebra_linha;
        // Note que o e-mail do remetente será usado no campo Reply-To (Responder Para)

        /* Enviando a mensagem */
        mail($elemento, $assunto, $mensagemHTML, $headers, "-r". $emailsender);
    /* Mostrando na tela as informações enviadas por e-mail */
        <div style="color:white;border:1px solid black;padding:15px;background-color:rgba(150,50,50,0.8);font-family:Arial;margin-bottom:5px;font-size:14px;">
            Enviando <?php echo count($array_emaildestinatario); ?> e-mails, aguarde um instante...
        <div style="color:white;border:1px solid black;padding:15px;background-color:rgba(150,50,50,0.8);font-family:Arial;margin-bottom:5px;font-size:14px;">
            De:<?php echo $emailsender; ?>
        <div style="color:white;border:1px solid black;padding-left:15px;padding-top:5px;padding-bottom:5px;background-color:rgba(150,50,50,0.3);font-family:Arial;margin-bottom:5px;font-size:14px;">
        foreach($array_emaildestinatario as $elemento) {
            echo "<p>$elemento</p>";
asked by anonymous 16.10.2014 / 07:56

1 answer


You should talk to > KingHost technical support to get an exact answer to your question, but from what I see in the FAQ for email configuration , the sending of emails requires authentication which is indicative of server is not Open Email Relay .

Server that does not allow Relay

When sending emails, you may receive an error message that the email can not be sent due to a relay block ( relay ) by the SMTP server (< in> Simple Mail Transfer Protocol ).

The exact error message may vary depending on the server but essentially tells me that the server does not allow relay , authentication is required to send the email and / or use an account on the server for this purpose.

Open Email Relay Server

What you are trying to do requires a server configured as Open Email Relay :


An open mail relay is an SMTP server configured in such a way that it allows anyone on the Internet to send email through it.

What translated:


An open mail relay is an SMTP server configured in a way that allows anyone on the Internet to send email through it.


From server to server the settings change significantly, but the common thing is Relay not being allowed as it causes a lot of security and SPAM problem which lowers the reputation of the server itself.

Intermediate settings are also where email is sent without regard to FROM: but in the source of the message it is very explicit who sent it and usually follows with [email protected] although it appears in FROM: [email protected]     

16.10.2014 / 11:33